Sanctuary Oaks
Nature Preserve

Forest interior. Click to enlarge
Sanctuary Oaks preserves 14 acres of mature woods that contain many species of trees. Getting past the surrounding belt of thick vegetation into the forest can be a challenge. Once inside, however, the understory is somewhat open and it is relatively easy to get around, despite the lack of an established trail. Your greatest challenge may be dealing with the spider webs and patches of poison ivy. There are few nearby houses and sparse road traffic, which means you are likely to hear little but birds, insects, and the wind moving through the trees.
Sullivan County. From the intersection of US 41 and IN 48, west 2.4 miles on IN 48; as it curves sharply to the north, continue (carefully!) straight onto CR 700N. After 0.2 miles, left on CR 200W, then left again after 0.5 miles onto CR 650N. The woods are on the right; park along the road.
GPS: N 39 10.746 W 87 26.763 (NW Corner)
Finder Sketch

Click to enlarge
Nearby Natural Areas (miles)
Elliott Woods (8.7)
Shakamak State Park (13)